生物 生物信息学


生物信息学书籍推荐 Bioinformatics for Dummies

Author: Jean-Michel Ph. D. Claverie, Cedric Ph.D. Notredame, Jean-Michel Claverie, Cedric Notredame
Edition: 1st
Manufacturer: For Dummies
Number Of Items: 1
Number Of Pages: 432

Bioinformaticsthe process of searching biological databases, comparing sequences, examining protein structures, and researching biological questions with a computeris one of the marvels of modern technology that can save you months of lab work. And the most amazing part is that, if you know how, you can use highly sophisticated programs over the Internet without paying a dime and sometimes, without installing anything new on your own computer. All you need to know is how to use these technological miracles.

Thats where Bioinformatics For Dummies comes in. If you want to know what bioinformatics is all about and how to use it, without wading through pages of computer gibberish or taking a course full of theory, this book has the answers in plain English. Youll find out how to

  • Use Internet resources
  • Understand bioinformatics jargon
  • Research biological databases
  • Locate the sequences you need
  • Perform specific tasks, step by step

Written by two experts who helped develop the science, Bioinformatics For Dummies is all about getting things done. If youre just getting your feet wet, start at the beginning with a quick review of those necessary parts of microbiology and an overview of the tools available. If you already know what you want to do, you can go directly to a chapter that shows you how. Get the lowdown on

  • Researching and analyzing DNA and protein sequences
  • Gathering information from all published sources
  • Searching databases for similar sequences and acquiring information about gene functions through sequence comparisons
  • Producing and editing multiple sequence comparisons for presentation
  • Predicting protein structures and RNA structures
  • Doing phylogenetic analysis

With an Internet connection and Bioinformatics For Dummies, youll discover how to peruse databases that contain virtually everything known about human biology. Its like having access to the worlds largest lab, right from your desk. This book is your lab assistant one that never takes a day off, never argues when you ask it for help, and wont demand a benefits package.